Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Study Abroad Roller Coaster

Bonjour tout le monde!

So I figure now that I am nearly half way through my stay, it would be a good time to introduce a form of the so-called Cultural Adaptation Curve, which will give you some insight to my emotions over the past month and a half (I can't believe I've been here this long...).

An estimation of one's emotional state over time.  The higher up on the curve, the happier one is.
Picture taken from: Half the World Away

So the above diagram is a bit blurry.  Let me break it down for you.

Anticipation Departure: I don't think I need to explain this.  By now, most of you know how difficult it was to get my Visa.  Enough said.

Arrival Confusion: I think I'll actually touch up this subject briefly.  When I initially arrived in France, I was so tired from not having gotten a decent night's sleep in nearly 48 hours that I didn't know which way was up.  After a couple of days, it was absolutely exhilarating to be in Paris, but at the same time, I was anxious to meet my host family.  Then, when I arrived in Grenoble, the confusion truly set in.  I remember sitting at the foot of my bed, just staring at my luggage, thinking to myself: What have you gotten yourself into?

The Honeymoon: To be honest, I don't think the honeymoon period actually hit me for a week.  I had a rather difficult adjustment, because there were so many new things happening so quickly.  I was being thrown into the language, and I didn't exactly realize how little I had actually know.  All I knew was that I had a good base; a good place to start.

The Plunge/Initial AdjustmentI'm not exactly sure when the plunge actually happened for me.  I wouldn't say that I had a drastic plunge, but more or less a series of mini-plunges, and I can't think of one time where I have been at an absolute low.  To explain this, I will simply outline the past week, and briefly describe my emotional states.

Starting happiness value: 100%

Saturday: This was of course the day I visited Annecy, and I was on cloud nine. I loved seeing a new city, eating new foods that I had never tried before, and seeing a festival from a different culture unlike anything I had seen before.  After eating myself into oblivion, I considered myself to be 100% content.
Happiness Value: 100%

Sunday:  For some reason, this past Sunday i was absolutely exhausted for no apparent reason, and I had started to feel sick.  Being sick at home is bad enough, but being sick far, far away from home is far, far worse.  That night, I ended up walking around the city aimlessly for hours, reflecting on my inner thoughts and writing.  By the time I went to bed Sunday night, I was physically drained.  Happiness value: 75%

Monday: And so Monday was as usual much better than I had expected.  Classes had started once more, marking the beginning of yet another week.  Everything seemed to be working out perfectly.  Happiness value: 90%

Tuesday Morning-Afternoon: Tuesday are always a particularly interesting case for me, because I have classes essentially for 9 hours straight.  At the start of the day, I am never optimistic for the day to come.  In fact, most of the time, I absolutely dread it.
Happiness Value: 60%

Tuesday Afternoon: Once I am finally done with my academic day, I rush home to get ready to run with the guys.  Every Tuesday, I run to the Bastille with a group of French guys in the evening, just when it becomes dark.  Before we begin, and even during the run, I find that I'm a bit more energetic, although still exhausted.
Happiness Value: 85%

Tuesday Evening: After running, we go back to the apartment and just talk and eat, sometimes without leaving until nearly 11 o'clock at night.  By the time I leave, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.  Cultural interaction with real people! Amazing!
Happiness Value: 100%

Late Tuesday Night/ Early Wednesday Morning: This is probably where my mind is going through the most turmoil.  I have drastic ups and downs, where I am either ecstatic to be in France, or upset knowing that I'm going to have to leave in... okay, so we're not going to think about that right now.  Never can I get a restful night's sleep on a Tuesday.
 Happiness Value: 70% - 100% (oscillating somewhere between these two values for hours on end)

Wednesday: Wednesdays I am typically exhausting, and have to wake up early to finish the homework that I didn't get a chance to do the night before.  Typically, I also have extensive homework assignments due on Thursday, making Wednesdays even longer.  Today, I spent four hours in a cafe working on homework.  Not cool.
Happiness Value: 85%

Now:  I'd like to say I am pleasantly content this Wednesday night, having made a lot of progress with post cards and such... But now, I'm exhausted, so it's time for bed!  Bonne soiree!



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