Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to Grenoble!

So the first few days I've spent here have been rather hectic and highly stressful, and I've had an onslaught of new information driven into my brain to the point where I don't know how much more of it I can hold.  I guess I really need to get some of it out, so here we go.

Remember those things a few posts ago that I said I would miss from home?  Well it turns out that I need to revise that list:

      ~ My family.  No, guys, I'm not putting this up here just because I know I'll get yelled at.  I do miss all of you, and it's been a big adjustment living with someone else, especially in another language.

      ~ Artificial sugar.  No, really, I'm serious!  Here life is bread, bread, bread and fruit all around!  Breakfast?  Cereal, or bread with Nutella.  A lot of croissants, actually.  Lunch consists of a sandwich with a drink and occasionally a desert, or pastry.  And then bread is served with dinner, which is usually extremely savory and almost too rich for my stomach to handle.  Christ, just give me a bag of gummy bears already!  Don't get me wrong, the food is delicious, but au mon dieu...

      ~ Boneless buffalo wings.  Yeah, so I guess one would say that I'm absolutely a typical American.  They don't exist here, and I think I'm going through withdrawals and it's only been a week.

      ~ Hearing English.  Yes, I am here to learn French, but even while I'm with the other American exchange students, I hear more French than I can sometimes comprehend.  It's really awkward when a 12 year old French boy walks up to you and asks you what time it is, and you barely understand a word that he mumbles.  Which brings me to an interesting cultural insight.

*If the young people don't want foreigners or the older people to understand what they're saying, they'll take the end of a word and tack it on the front instead.  I guess the American equivalent would be "Pig Latin."*

And now, I think it's time for some pictures because you all must definitely be sick of my ranting.  

This is the typical picture you would see if you looked up Grenoble on Google right now.  Go ahead, I dare you.

La Bastille-  A fortress that is a popular tourist attraction.  Saturday, I walked to the Bastille, and then CLIMBED to the Bastille.  It was actually pretty incredible.

These tiny circles actually mark the limits of the old city.  We had to look for them during a scavenger hunt, and were really embarrassed when the local simply pointed at the ground...

Pizza au quatre fromages: 4 cheese pizza with goat cheese, and three other cheeses which I can't spell in English...

L'embleme de Dauphine:  A pretty sick fountain if you ask me.  I kind of want it in my back yard!

C'est moi!  At the top of a mountain, overlooking La Grand Chartreuse. 
So as you can see, I have been having some fun while I've been here.  It's been exhausting, both mentally and physically, but it has absolutely been worth it so far.  A bientot, mes amis.


  1. I really like this entry. Besides the fact that you miss us, I can't wait to take a picture of boneless buffalo wings and send it to you.

    Seriously though, your writing is fantastic, keep it up. No I'm not saying this because we are related. It is relevant and fun to read and you make me feel like they're right there with you. I like that you're giving advice to other people that may be in your situation.

    Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you for the next few months.

  2. You? Complementing my writing? Now that is certainly a high point in my day! Thank you so much! And when you send me that picture I might cry.

  3. Why the hell is comment text in neon turquoise? I can't see it unless I highlight it!

  4. The background should be blue...... I think you may have a problem with your computer.

  5. No, it shows up the same way on mine too.
